Welcome to the day 2 typing lesson of the 30-day free course. Today, we will learn how to type the Home row/Middlerow keys effectively. As you know, this is the row where learners set their fingers and start learning this skill. So, it’s essential during this course and in this job. So, let’s start with a scientific way of learning the Home Row key. It has a tremendous impact on others’ rows and the real skill. Carefully complete the task and go forward to the next level.
Home Row Key Type Lesson
No need to say how important this middle row key typing is. In today’s task, we will learn the proper input method of ASDFGHJKL;’:” key. Because in this line, these letters and sing are present on the QWERT keyboard. Please note upper and lower cases can be controlled by pressing the Shift key. Below we are providing a task made by these letters; before we start practicing, let’s recall the day 1 typing lesson, which is 10 fingers placement.
Day-wise Lesson | Lesson Link |
Day 1 Lesson | Proper 10 fingers placement. |
Day 2 Lesson | Home Typing(You are here) |
Day 3 Lesson | Bottom bar key type. |
Day 4 Lesson | Advance Bottom bar |
Day 5 Lesson | Top Bar Lesson |
Hope you did well in the tasks and are comfortable typing all keys and signs on your fingertips.
When should I End Middle Row Typing?
It is a free tool and course; you can take part in your own time. Even if you are free to take and reject any lesson before ending these tasks, ensure the following things.
- Over 95% accuracy.
- And you can type about 10-12 words per minute. Please note here words are not included. All are letters and signs. And the result is shown mathematically, and five letters are equal to one word. the program is designed in this mathematical condition.
- You can type letters without looking at the keyboard. It is the primary method of touch typing, and it can bring muscle brain.
Arrangement for Exercise
Our Typing lesson plan is on the “Learning by doing principle.” Besides teaching, we provide quality tasks that can make you perfect in this skill. To observe this, you have to arrange some physical and mental things, and that is-
- Well, QWERT keyboard and good working PC/Notebook.
- Comfortable sittings equipment.
- Free and fresh time for concentrating on the lesson and exercise.
We hope that you learned and observed Home Row typing Lesson. And ready for the day 3 Lesson.