About Us & Contact Us


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About US

We are a team of  OnlinePractice.ORG. We have been teaching students for more than 13 years in our Institution. We became live with the employment news with our another web portal.
Working in the job portal, we found there are huge employment opportunities available in different countries with typing skills. And then we have decided to job seekers to make skillful with typing. We started offline classes. But we found that many students can not effort economically. So, we decided to bring this course free of cost. Our team is dedicated to building a quality course on this topic.
Our main objective is to provide quality typing courses free of cost to all over the world.
No software installation and registration is required to take part in typing tests or lessons.

HMA. Ikbal the founder and cheif editor of TypingPractice.ORg.
He is a Bachelor’s in education from Sri Venkateswara University, Tritapti, Andhra Pradesh, India. He is a motivational speaker and social activist who fighting to uproot unemployment and poverty.

Contact us

If you have any suggestions, queries, special requests, or complaints then you can contact us at our official email Id
[email protected]
Don’t hesitate to write anything. Feel free to contact us. We always welcome all suggestions, complaints, and criticisms.