Bottom Bar Keys Typing Lesson With Practice Task

Already, we have learned 10 finger placement and Middle row key input in QWERT Keyboard. Today, we will introduce the Bottom Bar keys and ways to type accurately in an efficient manner. There are seven letters and three signs are there. Which fingers are most suitable for fast typing?- This is the main topic of discussion, and an excellent typing task has been provided below.
Look at the below. Image Bottom bar is in different colors. And you can see that ZXCVBNM are the letters sitting in this bar. And couples of sings are ‘, and <‘, ‘ and .>’ and ‘/ and?‘.
Below a typing test has been provided. Start typing by clicking’ Star Type.’ Before starting the type, you should know the ten fingers placement. If you don’t know, then check our day-1 learning class. We have briefly discussed that.





% Accuracy

Click on the area below to start the game.


Day-wise Lesson Lesson Link
Day 1 Lesson Proper 10 fingers placement.
Day 2 Lesson Home Row Typing
Day 3 Lesson Bottom bar key type.
(You are here)
Day 4 Lesson Advance Bottom bar
Day 5 Lesson Top Bar Lesson

Remember before ending this lesson

  1. As it is an online free lesson that can be taken anytime so, never skip or go to the next class until you score more than 15 groups of letters per minute.
  2. Always practice on touch-type method.
  3. Be aware of upper and lower case letters. It can be achieved by using the Shit key properly.
  4. The average student required two to three hours to complete the task. However, many students can complete it before this time and sometimes require more. It completely depends on how you observed and executed the lesson.

What next after day 3 lesson?

It’s simple. Next, go to the tutorial on day 4. But before that, please review the previous two tasks. Because you have completed all letters, It’s very important to practice again and again to be a master of typing skills because practice makes a man perfect.
We hope you have enjoyed and learned well this day 3 lesson to type Bottom bar keys. The next tutorials and exercise links have been provided. Please share this 30 days free tutorial with the needy, and they are maybe your friends and follower lists. And also, get motivated to work hard and prepare updated tools for typing lessons and exercises.

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